harliquin shrimp?


I was offered a mated pair of harliquin shrimp very rear to find i was offered them for nothing what should i do????? :confused:


Where do you plan to put them?
Dedicated tanks are the best for them. They are beautiful and interesting critters, but are very hard to feed. They eat one thing only, thats starfish. I personally think Harlequin shrimp are the only reason they sell chocolate chip starfish.
A smart pair will eat only one leg off the starfish at a time, without killing it, and will let it regenerate that leg and eat another. A horrible thing if your a starfish, to be eaten alive one appendage at a time...
I would jump at the opportunity if you think you can handle them.


Active Member
Yes their draw back is their diet. They are very different looking in coloration then the other shrimps but their diet makes them impossible for most lfs to bother with.
A very cool shrimp. if you get them in pairs they act pretty cool. like the other guys said the only drawback is their diet. it's going to be in my new tank as soon as i get it up.


Active Member
do harlequin shrimp also live in anemones, or am i thinking of a totally different shrimp? i dont have any peaceful tanks, so how much does a cc starfish cost? like you said, the eat one appendage at a time, then it regenerates, so could one starfish sustain them thier whole lives? just curious, bo


your thinking of a anemone shrimp.. cc starfish cost around $8 here, eventually the starfish will die.. I have no personal expierence keeping h.shrimps but alot of people buy damaged stars from their lfs and use those since they can get them for a cheaper price.


I see CC starfish here for about $3 each. The friend of mine I got my blue tongan shrroms from has a mated pair, and by mated pair, they do reproduce in the tank, he gets about 6-10 out of a batch of 200-300 to grow to a size large enough to resell.
Sucks to be a starfish today!