Harry Potter Tonight!!!

darth tang

Active Member
The book (if you have the originals) are a hard read as the language is different now. I read them again after seeing the movies and it was ALOT easier.


i don't have the original. Actually my hubby bought me a new one that has all three books in one big book... that's kinda the reason i'm avoiding reading it... it's soooo heavy!!!

darth tang

Active Member
I bought that one, I have the new trilogy books as well as the originals. You should read them. You can even get the books he made detailing the elven language and the orc language. That guy went into detail. I hope they do the Hobbit movie next. There are talks but nothing solid.
Back to Potter...how long for the last book? I hate waiting.


i have no idea, but jk rowling has a website where she keeps you up to date on everything... it's pretty cool too... but i can't remember what it is.
and yes, he did go into detail about the elven and orc languages, because he actually made up full languages... there are people in this world that speak elven as a result of that... but they have WAAAAYYY too much free time on their hands...