Harvested macroalgae


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my Botryocadia and I have plenty to share if anyone wants some..Just pay the shipping. I hate to just toss it. This is the stuff I paid $10.00 for from Golf coast Ecosysystems.


Well-Known Member
Is a regular lamp from the house good enough for macroalgae or do I have to have a special bulb?


I'm wondering about having this in my fowler tank. Probably help with nitrates and amonia, but what about planting it in the sand? how deep should the sand be and what about lighting? If what I have will work I want some


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/386244/harvested-macroalgae#post_3391520
Is a regular lamp from the house good enough for macroalgae or do I have to have a special bulb?
Could you define "regular lamp"? If you're talking about incendescent bulbs then you'll have far better results with a couple of higher wattage spiral flourescents...Warm Whites. They are heavier in the red spectrum and better for algae growth.