Has any one ever?


New Member
I would like to know has anyone ever bought fish from saltwater.com? If so how was that. were they alive? how long did it take to come there and was the qaulity the same as the store? I was just wondering. thanks lori


I have purchased from here a few times, all with excellent results. The one thing you have to be careful of -- the temptation to buy too many fish (since you're paying one shipping price). Resist! Resist I say!


yes we have 2 x. Ive never seen a bigger better Goby at any other LFS. My shrimp were pretty small but thats ok. Everything came and was alive and in good shape! I would reccomend it, not only is it good quality creatures the prices are usually cheaper than at a store.


I just received my first shipment from Saltwaterfish.com everything arrived alive and is eating well. Since this is my first shipment and its only been 2 days thats all I can say. The prices are good and the fish look great as far as size and health. :D