Has anybody seen Max Payne ?


Active Member
No but I cant wait til 3 months when its out on Blue Ray to buy it. I cant stand payin 20 bucks for the movies. And then I buy the movie newayz when t comes out so I end up wasting 45 bucks on a movie.
But ive heard it was pretty good!


Active Member
My roommate saw it and said it was absolutely horrible. The theater was laughing during the action scenes it was so bad.
That stinks, cause I really enjoy Marky Mark in movies usually. Everything he's done lately has been really good (We Own the Night, Departed, etc).

el guapo

Active Member
I thought it was a good movie . Nothing in the action scenes to laugh at . At least to me .
I loved shooter too . I bought it as soon as it came out on dvd . I read the book first though and the book was a million times better .

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I was told the book was better. I might have to pick it up!
The story line is kind of the same . But the book is a lot better . If you know who Carlos Hathcock is , There is a Nod to him in the book . That just really puts a realistic spin on the book .


Active Member
HORRIBLE!!!!! It was for the most part bad. There were some parts where I was like, this may get interesting, but it doesn't. It just doesn't make much sense and it was hard to get into. I would have much rather seen Saw 5 than this.