
Active Member
Hi all, We are getting ready to set up our new 200 gal and we're talking about what we would like to put in it when its done cycling,(that way we can read up on them before we buy them). I have read somewhere, not sure if it was on here or in a book , that you can put an Imp. Angel in a aggresive tank with triggers and such if you put the Angel in first and the others are smaller when added. Is this true? Anyone ever tried? and What was your experience?
Thanks in advance for any info...Later P.S we already no there will be a niger trigger& snowflake eel. Lisa :D


Active Member
yes, it can be done, but its not neccisarily best for the angel. angels need much more care than agressive fish. i know lionfish once wanted an im. angel when e first got started but didnt get one so you might want to talk to him and why he didnt get one. i would stay away from the angel and any other fish like that (i.e. purple tangs, etc.)


Active Member
oh yeah, forgot to mention that dlight has a yellow tang in with his predator fish so you might want to talk to him. bo


New Member
I have a juv emp in with my stars and stripes puffer thats three times the emps size. As well as a panther grouper twice its size all in a 200. emp was added last.. No problems here... but I don't have triggers. Not sure if I'd try that or not. Might depend on what type and size triggers.
[ June 01, 2001: Message edited by: pufferdaddy ]


triggers are inherently messy so they can quite easily offset the water parameters, maybe this is why an imperator might not be the right choice. i have heard that koran angels are easier to keep and when juvenile will display very similar markings.
good luck with the new tank.


Active Member
yeah che was right queen angels are really hardy and agressive, i believe passers' are as well. fugu was right also the trigger will offset the water conditions. another thing you might want to think about is if you have to treat with copper you might have to move your angel to a different tank because they dont do to well with copper. bo
grouperhead is right i do have a 6 inch yellow tang in with my predators. but i dont know about a angel, they arnt very hardy and when you go to put all those seaweed selects in the tank for the angel, i promise you all the fast moving predators will eat it all before the angel can. but if your gonna do it with any trigger i would go with (in order from best to worst) a pinktail, blue throat, huma,niger. those would be the best, the snowflake should be fine, just make sure that you have no holes on the top of you tank because eels in general are tank jumpers, i believe it has somthing to do with their eye sight which is very poor, they chase their food right out of the tank.


Active Member
dlight692000, We all ready have a snowflake eel in our 72 gal bow, we plan on moving him to the 200 gal when the cycle is complete. We get the new tank on Monday! Can hardly wait!!! Mr. Snowy(thats what we call our eel) is awesome, he does seem to have a hard time seeing but he does ok. The new take is going to aggresive, niger trigger , eel, I want a dog face puffer, and probaly a picasso trigger, not sure wahat else, I love the angels and was hoping to be able to add one, but only if it would work. So any and all sugections are welcome. Thanks Later Lisa :D
i love my golden puffer but they are prciey try to find one of them, but besides that i have the best suggestion of all a HARLEQUIN TUSK , i have one and i got it off of this website it came in a day awesome colors, look into it. so lets see here a puffer, niger, huma, snowflake, and tusk, thats like a dream tank, what else could you add? hmmm maybe a xl lionfish,/grouper.i wish a had a 200 gALLON


just out of curiousity...how much was your 200 gal.? i would love to get one (someday) and i have no idea how much i should suggest to pay.


If you want an angel for an aggressive tank get a King or Passer Angel (Holocanthus passer) They are really hardy fish, more than a queen, but a queen would be a good fish for any aggressive setup. Either way you'll have an awesome fish. TJ


Active Member
justchillin, We got an Oceanic 200 gal tank, stand, hood, 2 light fixtures, and a huge Oceanic sump,that I would say is about 40 gals. Tank was pre drilled, two in and two outs, for sump return. With lots of room left over for skimmer, and uv lite. $1600.00
We we're looking at a 150 gal with just the stand and tank for 1100.00, I think we got a awesome deal!!! Later Lisa
Originally posted by BLUEBERRYBOOMER:
<STRONG>Hi all, We are getting ready to set up our new 200 gal and we're talking about what we would like to put in it when its done cycling,(that way we can read up on them before we buy them). I have read somewhere, not sure if it was on here or in a book , that you can put an Imp. Angel in a aggresive tank with triggers and such if you put the Angel in first and the others are smaller when added. Is this true? Anyone ever tried? and What was your experience?
Thanks in advance for any info...Later P.S we already no there will be a niger trigger& snowflake eel. Lisa :D</STRONG>
try a passer angle