Has anyone ever drilled an acrylic tank that's already set up?


The guy at our LFS said he would come out and drill it for us. He said he's done it several times to an already set up tank. We just drain it down like for a large water change, and then he floats a piece of newspaper on the water to catch most of the plastic flakes. I'm kind of nervous that something could go wrong. Has anyone here ever done this??


I have done it on my tank and one other, I have found that as long as you drill slow with a little presure you should have no problems.


Not my tank, but did drill a hole in my sump for a float valve for a top-off system. I just shut the pump off and drained some water out. And if a few flakes of plastic get in the tank, don't worry about it too much, the whole tank is made of that plastic anyways, just make sure you don't let any of it get sucked up in a pump.