has anyone ever had a baracuda


New Member
My freind gave me a 5 inch baracuda and i put him in my 90 gallon tank. Will he survive? What should i feed him? what fish can I put in with him?

mr. tang

You have got to be kidding! I have been snorkleing in Florida with those buggers and they get LONG! I would say at least 3-4 feet. Since your 90 is probably only 4 feet long and 18 inches wide, that guy will have a tough time turning. You would need a HUGE tank to keep one. IMO


Mr. Tang is right... however baracuda do sometimes just sit idle in the water and don't move for hours. My giant baracudas need at least a three foot wide tank but they are also 6 foot long adults. You should feed him the best food you can afford. Live saltwater feeders are the best if you can afford them. But any fishy type of meal will work. Squid, octopus, shrimp, and etc.


cant say that ive had one, but a store about 20 miles from where i am has 2 and they do just sit motionless forever, untill feeding time, then it blows my mind how fast they are. AMAZING anyways im sure they would need as much room as possible, if nothing else, just for feeding time.


It depends how much and how often you feed them. But they can grow as much as 8 to 10 inches a year if you feed them quite often. Average yearly growth is closer to 2 to 4 inches per year.