Has anyone ever had an octopus?


New Member
I have been thinking about getting one for a long time. The best website I found on octo care is http://www.tonmo.com
All the people in the forums have been keeping octopus, cuttlefish, and nautilus for years.


I had one once. a small one i kept in a 30g with live rock and no other fish or inverts. I't was a lot of fun. i wouldnt really recommend getting one. mine dissapeared after a few months, not sure if it escaped but i never saw the body or if it just died in the tank. they are a lot of fun to watch hunt though as occasionally for entertainment i would throw it a goldfish.


Active Member
some one on here clamed to see one of those at there lfs that would scare me to know my lfs sold thing that dangerous


Not me, but my brother is a marine biologist and used to work at a major aquarium. They had an octopus that could actually open screw-top jars!! Sadly, he decided to end it all one night and escaped the tank. They found him on the floor the next morning.



Active Member

Originally posted by Aceiswild7
I had one once. a small one i kept in a 30g with live rock and no other fish or inverts. I't was a lot of fun. i wouldnt really recommend getting one. mine dissapeared after a few months, not sure if it escaped but i never saw the body or if it just died in the tank. they are a lot of fun to watch hunt though as occasionally for entertainment i would throw it a goldfish.

:eek: thats kinda creepy, it jsut disapeared


I agree. An LFS that would sell such a creature should be ready to deal with potetial problems and questions. Please dont sell it if it just looks cool. I believe sea-horses are more or less in the same category. Please give the proper support before selling to an unwitting reefer. I know Ive had my ups and downs and a lot more cautious about who I buy from and what I purchase. My understanding is that octopi pretty much need their own reef.


Yeh,,,like the potentially lethal "stonefish" I bought last week. JUST cuz hes cool....JUST cuz hes different....JUST plain silly of me. :joy:
I can hear my momma now...."Girl, dont you do nothin normal?"


Dont get me wrong I love new and interesting livestock, I'm just saying buyer beware. I hope you have great success, but understand what one one purchases.
:speak: ive heard that they are excape masters so if anyone gets one i would rocomend good tank covers can they can even lift open panels at the top of tanks


Active Member

Originally posted by nicky1.8t
some one on here clamed to see one of those at there lfs that would scare me to know my lfs sold thing that dangerous

that was me, and i saw about 4 of thm.


Active Member
Blue ring octopus are known to be the most lethally venomous creature in the world. The only way to survive a bite from their beak is to be on a breathing machine for about 72 hours. one bite of venom can kill 26 full size adults in 5 minutes. And they can bite through wetsuits. Do the math ;)


I might be wrong, but I think that the blue ring octopus doesn't have venom. It has a symbiotic relationship with a bacteria that lives in it's mouth. It's just something I was told a little while ago, and I trust the source. It just another thing that makes you go hmmm :thinking: .
About octopi, they have no bones, so they aren't limited to what they can squeeze through. The only thing that does limit them is their beak. They also can lift up to twenty pounds, so make sure everything is secure on top. Octopi also have a naturally short life span, around 18 months. Very cool animals.


Active Member

Originally posted by Sheree
Yeh,,,like the potentially lethal "stonefish" I bought last week. JUST cuz hes cool....JUST cuz hes different....JUST plain silly of me. :joy:
I can hear my momma now...."Girl, dont you do nothin normal?"

LOL Sheree.....that fish is wild!! Scarey, but cool looking. How lethal are they? I know nothin' about them.


Doin a browser search I looked at about 30 websites..all referring to "stonefish and Lionfish" in the same category as far as toxicity. I read the phrase "most lethal fish in the world" a hundred times I bet. Blah,blah,blah,,anti-vemon..dont step on one..from the Red Sea/Austrialian coast/Indian Ocean...so...my LFS sold me this one-said some guy caught it on a fishing rod. Where?..hmm...off the coast of South Carolina? None of the species mentioned came from the Atlantic or Gulf.(altho I`m sure they are many sub-species everywhere.)
Anyway...he doesnt "attack"...so if I leave him alone..he`ll leave me alone. (we have an agreement) He eats well, shrimp/clams but he wont touch octopus.Dont blame him.
He stays burrowed under the sand all day and makes a bit of a mess of his LR but hes welcome to stay awhile.
And yes...an Octopus IS on my "to have" list.:rotfll: