Has Anyone Ever Had This Anemone?!


I was wondering if anyone has ever had this anemone, or seen them before:
Scientific Name: Heteractis magnifica
Common Names: Ritteri Anemone, Magnificent Sea Anemone
Magnificent Anemone, Maroon Anemone, Fingered Giant Anemone
Anyways, I wanted to know what the light requirements are, how hardy they are, what to feed them, and how big they get. I've been thinking about getting one. I have also read on a website that Flame Hawks like them, which was really surprising. I would really really appreciate any information that you all can give me.


I purchased one about six months ago and have had no problems so far. Before I bought it I did some research on their requirements, but I am at work. As soon as I get home and find the literature I will post another reply. I was very nervous at first, but the one I got was beautiful and has been doing wonderfully. Actually, I purchased it from this website.


Does yours have a purple base? How big of a tank do you have? I would appreciate any information you can find on the anemone for me, as I would really like to check it out. If you happen to have a picture of it in your tank that would be excellent as well. Thanks again! I look forward to seeing that information!


I must have thrown the articles I got from the internet out, but I found the site where I got one of the articles. You can go to http://saltaquarium.about.com. Look under invert care then anemone care and you should find an aritcle by Albert J Thiel that deals specifically with heteractis type anemones. I found this article to be extremely helpful, in fact I think this the article I relied the most heavily on. I don't have a picture of my tank, but I will try taking one, it may take a few days because I don't have a digital camera so I will have to get the film developed. Yes, mine does have a purple base and I have a 55 gal tank. I have 3 40W 20,000K bulbs and one 40W Blue/Actinic Bulb in my tank. I hope this helps and if you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.


Actually that helps me greatly.......how big has your anemone gotten?
Thanks again!
Oh by the way, what do you feed it and how often? Have you had any trouble with it being agressive towards your fish. Thank you for trying to get that picture for me!


Well, I'm not sure if my anemone has gotten any bigger because he was a decent size when I got him. I feed him mysis shrimp daily with the occasional shrimp from the grocery store. I think I might try feeding him scallop meat, but I want to check that out first. I haven't seen any aggressive behavior towards other fish at all. I have two o. clownfish and when I added a Regal Tang to my tank the tang would swim with the clownfish, so when the clownfish went into the anemone the Tang would swim really close to the tentacle practically touching! I use to be very nervous; either the Tang never got close enough or the anemone didn't try stinging the Tang. I'm sure it's the former of the two.
I'm still working on getting those pictures (I'm getting them developed today).


Do you have any idea in inches how big the anemone is when its in full bloom....sorry to be such a pest. Thanks for the pictures!


Sorry, it has taken me so long to get back to you, but I just got my pictures yesterday. Also, I have to wait until I am not busy at work to play on the internet. Anyway, I'm guessing when my anemone is fully extended it is between 8-10inches, but I'm bad at judging size. Only one of my pictures turned out that did not have a big flash in the picture. Actually, it really sucks but here it is.


Also, you aren't pestering me, so feel free to ask me any question you wish. I may not know the answer, but I'll try to find out and if you find out any interesting info on this type of anemone I would really appreciate the knowledge.


Thank you very much for the picture and comments above...the anemone looks really really nice and seems to be doing very well......the clowns looks really happy as well:) I will definitely let you know any interesting information I find as soon as I find it....again...thank you soo much!