Has anyone ever heard of a "walking feather duster"?


New Member
I currently live overseas. I came across an animal in the fish store the other day. The locals called it a "walking feather duster". I goggled and searched some websites, but found no information on a “walking feather duster”.
I don’t have a picture of it right now, but I can give a description. The “feather duster” was reddish with light brown veins. It had no tube, and has three or four really short wiry “legs”. It was about 4 to 5 inches semi-cirular in size. The “duster” part of the animal had half the amount of feathers compared to a regular feather duster but the feathers were twice as thick. The feathers weren’t layered either, they all connected to a central spot, like a star or something.
I talked to the fish store guys and they said the “walking feather duster” was peaceful and eats “What other feather dusters eat.” I don’t really trust the fish store guys’ judgment though. I’ve talked to them about other things and I know they’ve been wrong before.
The feather duster looks like if could be a cool piece to a tank. I’m just concerned that it walks. Why would a feather duster walk? The only reason I could imagine a feather duster walking is because it hunts things. I don’t know though. I wish I had a picture to show you guys.
Does anyone have any ideas on what this “walking feather duster” might be? Is it a “walking feather duster” or not even a feather duster at all? I’d like to do some research about what it is and decide if I would possibly want to put it in my tank. I just want to know what it is, so that I can research it and figure out if I want it.