Has anyone ever swapped to LS from CC and...


Had their tank recycle and crash?
I am just curious.. I hear stories of foggy water, etc, but I am wondering if it has ever caused a re-cycle that killed any inhabitants??
I am getting a larger tank soon, and would rather just put LS down on the bottom and move them over after it has cycled if there is even a SMALL percentage of people who have experienced a crash after swapping over.


New Member
I just switched this weekend and have not had any problems yet. I checked my ammonia and nitrites a couple of times and got 0 readings. The tank looks so much cleaner.
You went from CC to LS or LS to CC. Just curious of how much a pain in the ass it was since im thinking about taking that cc out and putting in some ls.


If you use Nature's Ocean ls (which alot of us here did) they claim on their package you won't get a cycle. Not sure about anyone else, but I know I didn't cycle again! :cool:


I just switched from ls to cc over the weekend. I used natures ocean and had no spike at all. I did not get all the cc out because i did not want to move any rocks. Looks a 100 times better..... Dave :D


New Member
I went from CC to LS. It wasn't bad at all as I took my time. I used Southdown and Natures Ocean. It makes the tank look alot better.
Now how much of that Crushed Coral did you take out, all of it or did you leave some on the bottom? Also what about the different levels in the tank since your going to make one big mess out of the tank when you move that Crushed Coral since all the poop will start floating around the tank again.


New Member
I completely emptied the tank. I could not believe how dirty the cc was especially the part that was under the live rock. I could see why my nitrates were high. It was a good idea to clean it out.


New Member
I did it about a week ago. I fully emptied my tank and cleaned it out and used 40 lbs of Natures and 50 pounds of Southdown. I love it looks great but I am going through a small cycle but I think everything will be ok. It was worth it there was so much crap in my CC.