has anyone had a box fish?


i wanna get one but hardly dnt know much bout them and how there are with other fis and stuff. give me ur pesonally experience.


These fish are awesome. I looked into one once and was told they get huge fast, and are often aggressive. I have the same questions, so hopefully someone who knows will provide answers. Id like to know if theres one thats not too large and is not aggressive.


thats crzy cuz i was told they dnt get big. who would have thought that a slow little thing like that would be agressive. but ya, hopefully someone can answr our questions.


Theres one at the lfs here in an in a 20 ft in ground brick tank that is bigger than my forearm in length and mass. He has a sign up to keep fingers away. If you bend over he comes up to bite.


Found this on another site on the longhorn:
grows up to 18 inches
The Longhorn Cowfish prefers a tank of at least 150 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Level of Care: The Longhorn Cowfish is a high maintenance fish.
Behavior: The Longhorn Cowfish may act peacefully toward other fish. It is a venomous fish, ostracitoxin. Warning signs include stress and concavity in the side walls.
Hardiness: Difficult to keep in capitivity


damn, thats crzy. if i just saw him out of nowhere i would have thiought of him as a cute peaceful fish, but apparently not