has anyone heard of pemafix


lfs told me it would be good to try this stuff before copper my new powder blue has spots on him this morning and my two clown fish are now dead but has anyone used this product and does it work??


Active Member
Hi, have used this stuff but only in my QT, I hope thats where you want to use it too,but first why do you want to use it? What do you think he has? If its ich ,you should do hypo in QT. I would advise against the copper, unless you use a QT tank and even then it should be last resort . Powder blues are very sensitive. Even a fresh water dip would be a good idea(same temp and PH as tank water). If other fish are dead, I dont think Pimafix is gonna fix the problem. How long have you had these fish, what are your tank parameters???


well i got the stuff but it was too late. that was the last fish i had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
In the future you should QT ALL NEW FISH before adding them into your display. Doing so will allow you to treat if you see ich or other problem and it will prevent you spreading it into your display.