Has Anyone Owned A Canary Blenny ?


I'm thinking about getting one, and it's very difficult to find good info on these fish. Anyone had one ? got pictures or info on it?
I want to add one to my 29 gal tank, but no one has been able to share any info on them with me.
please help.


i have one in my 72. great fish lots of personality. but this is a venomous fish, it's bite is venomous.


it's venemous. . .hmmmm. . .is it agressive ?
will it kill my clowns and fairy wrasse ? ? ?


sorry i've have checked the board in a couple of days. my canary blenny has been a model citizen. i would consider them a very "reef safe" fish. in fact the only problem i've had with mine is it will sometimes kick up SMALL amouts of sand while hunting for pods that i may have to blow 10 or 15 grains of sand off a coral. the only reason i brought up the venom is i think people should know what is toxic, or vemonous in their tank.