Has anyone seen a juvi imperator change?


I am in the planning stages of a new larger tank and one of the potential inhabitants would be an imperator angel. I think they are beautiful both in juvi and adult coloration, but my LFS owner told me he has never heard of anyone having a juvi change to adult coloration whilst in an aquarium. Anyone have experiences to contradict him? If so, how long does it usually take?


New Member
Then your LFS guy needs to get out more. I got one at full Juvi stage, and watched him get to full coloration. Beautiful fish!!! It was really rewarding to see this happen as well. I had him for about 5 years, and I would say it took 3 for him to change...


So you're saying I can add this to the growing list of things my LFS told me that are wrong...

The list is getting long
I'm all for supporting local small businesses, but it's getting hard to justify with the LFS.


New Member
Thats what mine looked like Sea Worthy when I got him. Once mine started changing it didn't take long to see big changes....give him 2 - 3 more months to see some big changes.
As for your LFS Sylvius.....remember they're trying to make money, they say alot of things to try and get you to buy stuff. Thats why alot of people use this board, but remember that marine fish are pretty unpredictable with varying results


I have had a Juv for a year now with no sign of any change. It has grown from about 2" to about 3 1/2" and I would expect it to start soon?
Have been awaiting this for about 6 months now. Does anyone know if they typically start changing colors in any sepcific area of the body first?


New Member
They usually start along the top....then the middle...you'll start to see the lines shift from circles to lines...then the color will follow