Has anyone seen the "Fast Food Video"



Has anyone seen, or better yet, actually have a copy of the "Fast Food Video" thats going around?


An average guy quits working out, eats nothing but McDonald's meals that are "Supersized" 3x a day for 30 days. Its a documentary of what happens to him. Rumor is that by the 20th day his doctor warns them that his spleen is about to quit! As well as gaining 40, 80, 150 pounds depending on who mentioned it.
I've been hearing it mentioned a few times in the past two weeks or so. Just no one seems to have a copy or have personally seen it, might just be an urban myth??? Not sure??


Active Member
Oh yeah, I did see some of that. And a good thing that I was on the tread mill at the time
He did this and I believe its coming out soon. Right after he came out with his info, MCD's stopped super sizing. He ate 3 meals a day and if they asked him if he wanted his meal "supersized" he took it.
Actually is liver was going crazy it was getting so fatty and his cholesteral was throught the roof. I think he gained 30-40 lbs, can't remember. Its worth looking at, I don't remember how its coming out though.......TV, Video, etc. He has finally lost all of the weight and back to a healthy state.


that guy was on late night with conan o'brien the other night talking about it. i can't wait to watch the video...


I heard that the guy had some mental issues that went along with it though. I read that a female nutritionist felt his "research" wasn't accurate, though, and went on the same diet to contest his results. Supposedly, his weight gain, etc. was seriously exaggerated. She said she actually lost weight on the same exact diet. So who knows....