I add Tropic Marine Bio-Calcium 2-3 times a week to keep my Ca 400-450. I add DT's phytoplankton 3 times a week, Reef Solution 3 times a week, and keep my Kh at 9-10, adjusting as necessary with a Kent product. I "harvest" the macro-algae as soon as it reaches the surface. It's 'goal' is to get as close to the light source as possible. Once it gets to the top, it slows down. So if you keep 2-3 inches below the surface, it will be more active. One thing to keep in mind: I went to my dealer tonight and talked to him about some of the posts that I have read here and how most of us think that that the way we 'do it' may be the best way. He said "I've been charge of 8000 gallons of reef for 15 years and by no means consider myself a guru. I can only offer a suggestion on what works best for me. I can show you 20 'experts' that think a DSB is the best and 20 more that think CC is the best. I get the same results out of both. If it works for you, use it, if it doesn't, try something else. But what you or I use is by no means the 'only' thing that works."
In other words, the eco-system works great for me, but you will hear plenty of opinions of other cheaper things that also work. Sift through it all and pick what will work best for you.