Originally Posted by
patti w http:///t/385512/has-anyone-used-a-nitrate-filter-such-as-aquaripure#post_3381103
just wondering if its really helpful..
I was so happy with the one I had on my 90g reef, that I purchased another one for the 56g. It's maintenance free, you never clean it...just inject a little vodka (8cc for the large one and 4cc for the smaller one) into it once a week (even comes with the injector)....and it works awesome, it fact it's maybe the only piece of equipment I ever had, that actually does what it promises to do. My nitrates were a steady 20, after the Aquripure was up and running.... it was a beautiful 0, and it never went up again.
Now I have macroalgae on both of my tanks, I converted my 90g from a reef to Potbelly seahorses, macroalgae not only eliminates nitrates, but phosphates as well...and macroalgae is cheaper. At this time, I put my Aquaripure in storage since I don't need them anymore...but one injection of good bacteria (that can be purchased from the manufacturer for $8.00) and they are both good to go.
Macroalgae I think is the better route, it's cheaper, and it takes care of much more then just nitrates,