Has anyone used Mangroves as Filter


I have been thinking about using mangroves to help manage the nitrates in my 145 FOWLR. Does anyone have an opinion on Mangrove filtration?


In my Marine Aquarium Management class we have one entire system that is managed by a mangrove sump system.
There is a 250 gallon shark tank, and four twenty gallon tanks containing our breeding clowns, plus a 55gallon sump containing powerheads and heaters. We werent having much luck just using a skimmer (it was too small for the tanks), so we added a loop and started about 12 small 9"-12" mangrove stalks. The nitrates came down within hours, and its a pretty high bioload with a 3ft bamboo shark in there.


Cool, that was the answer I hoping to hear. What sort of lighting system do you need to provide? The reason I ask is becasue I want to add them to my sump under my tank and I am certain I will need to add a supplemetal lighting system.


The ones we have at school just have natural light from the skylights, our entire marine systems are in a green house to cut down on heating costs. So, mostly natural light though flourescents would probably be fine, thats our backup for rainy days.
They like humidity which shouldnt be a problem since they are going in a closed sump area, make sure you treat your wood on the inside of the cabinet as the water from the sump and heat from the light will make it weaken.


I currently have 9 that started out about 4 to 5 inches tall, with a leave or two on each. This was about two months ago, the skimmer was taking out about two gts of scum a week or so. Since they were put in, they have grow to about 9 to 10 inches with several leave set per each. The skimmer barely does anything at all now. They work great.... As for their location and lighting, they are in a CRP Aqua Fuge Pro with about 2 or 3 inches of sand and lighting is 24 hours a day 65watt PC using a 50/50 bulb.


Active Member
What happens if you put them in the main tank? Do the fish eat them up? I would like to use some but I have no special lighting over my sump, only over the main tank.


I have seen some different set ups at a few local stores, most have them in a over flow box or simular box, on some other tanks, some had MH Lighting above them, some also had either PC or VHO light, they all appeared ok, never saw/noticed any real growth on them. They always are small size... Maybe they are selling and replacing all the time or they are dying off and need replaced.