has anyone?


has anyone ordered from indo-specific sea farms. and if so have u ordered the pod kit. and does it actually work?


Active Member
IMO i wouldnt buy stuff like that. They all will come from live rock. And if you have a refugium then you can grow your own population of pods.


IMO i wouldnt buy stuff like that. They all will come from live rock. And if you have a refugium then you can grow your own population of pods.
is there a link of how i can build a refugium. as u can tell im new at this stuff?


Active Member
There are many ways to build them. I myself have built a sump/refugium. Just do a search on these boards and it should pull up pages on how other hobbiest on this site built theres.


just one more question. can i use my ten gallon or could i use sumthin a lil smaller for less space. id put a fw pounds of lr in it and not connect it to my main tank. or should i use it cc also. and finally this would only be used as a pod breeding tank.


Active Member
I guess you can make one without connecting it to your tank but you will need a way to transfer pods into your main tank.


so r u sayin i couldnt transfer them with a fish net if i had tons. because thats wat i do with my live shrimp and there fine. also could i use a smaller tank


Active Member
The small tank will do fine if your going to do it this way. It depends on what type of pods your going to raise. Amphipods can be scooped up but copepods are much to small.


so all i need is lr and a heater and no filter im guessin so they can eat the algea . and no cc is necessary. also how long should it take for the amphipods to appear


Active Member
Well you will have to add some into the tank and allow them to breed.dont kno how long it takes for them to do that but usually in my main tank i see plenty of them.