Has your cleaner shrimp ever laid eggs?


Mine had all these eggs underneath her and continued to move them and organize the every few minutes. But I did not see her lay eggs.
What happened to the eggs? Got eaten by the rest of the fish?
Also she does not have a mate. Don’t shrimps need a partner to produce eggs?

bang guy

My Shrimp have eggs every month like clockwork. They "lay" their eggs under their tail and they stay there until the hatch, or in your case are shed with the exoskeleton.
They need a partner to fertilize the eggs. They can store sperm for up to a few months. Often, singl Shrimp will go through the motions of laying eggs even if they're not fertilized.


we have 2 cleaner shrimp and the lay eggs all the time i only got to see one of them do it though i learned that the female will have the eggs and if she has too much to carry she gives some to the male to hold I am not sure if i am right about that but that is what i have been told
also when the lay the eggs they usually will go up to a power head and do it and the rest of the fish go on a feeding frenzy


The first time I had a bunch hatch I was out late with the flashlight feeding the basket starfish (see my post in Reef), and all of a sudden all these little things came swimming towards the light. I was like, OMG, what are those, and I finally figurered it out: "Take Out" for the fish!! :)