Hating my GBTA


I thought GBTA were the G.O.A.T. until I owned one for 7 months. The thing just keeps growing and splitting and growning. It has split 4 times and is back to being about 10" in dia. They are next to impossible to remove and the freaking LFS will only give my $10 in credit for them. Thats about $5 an hour for my work. I know this thread has absolutely no content to is but I just needed to vent. Hopefully someone else has had the same problem. Misery likes company.


Originally Posted by Bulldog123
I thought GBTA were the G.O.A.T. until I owned one for 7 months. The thing just keeps growing and splitting and growning. It has split 4 times and is back to being about 10" in dia. They are next to impossible to remove and the freaking LFS will only give my $10 in credit for them. Thats about $5 an hour for my work. I know this thread has absolutely no content to is but I just needed to vent. Hopefully someone else has had the same problem. Misery likes company.

I wouldn't see it as a problem... I would consider that as sucess! LoL! I'm waiting for my RBTA to split.

You might want to look into selling them on a local reef forum or Craigslist to make some money out of them.


Active Member
From my reading, no practical experience here, they seem to split when under some stress or perhaps overfeeding. Could this be a problem with yours?


Originally Posted by spanko
From my reading, no practical experience here, they seem to split when under some stress or perhaps overfeeding. Could this be a problem with yours?
I would say they split for stress. I was trying to remove one of the peices by placing a ph on it and it split. The one did not move but I ended up with another I did not care to have. I think the main one splits because the hole it is in is just not big enough for its foot. And the space around it does not allow it to open up all the way. There is aways folds in it. On the feeding some contribute long tenicles with hunger so I feed it often. To no success. I did stop feeding it directly for about a month and nothing seemed to change. I dont know.


Active Member
I've heard if you take an ice cube to their foot they will start to release away from it. I actually have a RBTA that holds onto one of my larger Acan frags and it's well

He's not killing it so I'm not in a huge hurry to get him off. My RBTA has split 3 times and I love getting new ones. They "can" command a high price rather than just a 10 dollar store credit.


Originally Posted by Bulldog123
I would say they split for stress. I was trying to remove one of the peices by placing a ph on it and it split. The one did not move but I ended up with another I did not care to have. I think the main one splits because the hole it is in is just not big enough for its foot. And the space around it does not allow it to open up all the way. There is aways folds in it. On the feeding some contribute long tenicles with hunger so I feed it often. To no success. I did stop feeding it directly for about a month and nothing seemed to change. I dont know.
I'll give you $25 bucks for one. PM me if you have an extra one.


Active Member
10$? What a rip! Get your butt on C-list and sell them, you'll be much happier with the prices the hobbiest around you will pay.


Sorry guys I thought this thread was dead and have not checked it and dont know how to mark it. I took another in last week and they gave me $12.50
. I did not know that anyone wanted one. But the LFS did start a local online reef club, the only of its kind in western colorado. I am down to the two largest ones. I would gladly hook someone up