Have a frogspawn at the top of my tank (Like DeMartini), Problems with water change..


So My Frogspawn is at the top of my tank almost on the water surface (like DeMartini's 14g tank)

Using your tank DeMartini cause I don't have one of mine with its positioning....
When I do water changes I don't want to have to move it down everytime especially once my tank is full there will be no room to move him. I got advice to agitate it a little bit till it shrinks up, but yesterday I did a water change and spent 15 minutes trying to agitate the damn frogspawn into closing up...
15 minutes later... he's maybe 1/2 way extended instead of fully, but still extended. So I started the water change... When he was out of water and half extended he looked like absolute HELL. Melted hell. Looks like the tentacles were melting on his skeleton and possibly ripping.
Once the water was back up and 1 hr later he was back to normal, the main problem I had was that during the hour after the water change he was letting out the slimy stringy white stuff the whole time and lots of it, made the tank dirtttty and nasty with all of his crap....
What other suggestions ideas do you guys have for water changes w/ Frogspawns that don't shrink up all the way at the top of the water? lol


for some reason I feel that would make a mess, and more complicated to monitor how much water is going in and out


Active Member
demartini said that she moves her finger around the frogspawnt to get it to suck back in and then do the water change


Originally Posted by patrick8929
demartini said that she moves her finger around the frogspawnt to get it to suck back in and then do the water change

Yea as stated above I try for 15 minutes to agitate it by that and other means, it only retracts 1/2 way....


for now there are a few spots, but soon I wont have room, when the tank is full then what? cant put it on top of a bunch of corals lol


Active Member
I'd move it myself. One thing to have SPS out of the water for a change but I don't think it's a good idea to have the LPS out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kromix
for now there are a few spots, but soon I wont have room, when the tank is full then what? cant put it on top of a bunch of corals lol
well i would move it while you still can. like spanko said the sps will take it better


softy tank only, wont have any SPS in here...
So when I cant move it then what? Its a big frogspawn and gonna have the tank stocked well eventually , not gonna make a tank just for water changes :p lol


Active Member
Well then you are leaving yourself the options already discussed,
Do the DeMartini tickle me Elmo gig.
Try the nate0729 drain and fill in unison gig.
Oh I guess you could also try doing small water changes more often. Figure out how much water you can remove without affecting the frogspawn, then determine how many times per week you need to do them to get your desired water change gallons per week.


Active Member
I have LPs at the top of the tank. When I do a water change they are out of the water for about 6 minutes.
This doesnt hurt the coral. I dont know if you guys are doing changes that take a long time or something, but most nanos you are only going to change like 5g and thats like 2 buckets.. it takes me less than 10 min to do a water change.
Its not going to hurt your coral. Ive been doing it forever.