Have I reached my limit?


I have a stock BC29 and im just curious if i am close or have i reached my limit.
Fish--1 True Percula, 1 sixline, 1 royal gramma, and 3 green chromis.
Inverts--2 peppermints, 5 hermits, 7 Astrea/Turbos, and 3 emeralds
Corals--6 zoo frags, 4-headed torch, GSP, clove polyps, and mushrooms.
I want to get a small green bubble coral, a couple ricordias, and a small frag of a neon green candy cane coral.
By the way, all parameters are normal and tank has been up for about 2.5 months now. Everything seems happy and healthy and the last thing i want to do is overstock my tank. Thanks for the help in advance.


Sounds good! I knew i had reached my limit on fish but wasnt sure if i added more coral, how the overall tank would be effected. Ill post pics when i get some new stuff...Thanks!
You still have that club going by any chance?


Sweet ill post an updated pic tonight.
What is your opinion on Bubble Corals? Ive read that they are pretty easy to keep but a lot of people on here make it seem like they can be a pain sometimes. Not inflating, easily irritated, etc..


Active Member
i had one, it was nice but hard to find a good spot in my tank for it.. kept tippin over and such...so i traded it for some nice zoas instead
im not sure what kind of lighting they need, so u might wanna see if yours would be enough for it to thrive
dont ur chromis bother your fishes??? i hate chromis every single one i had was a bully!
i had 7 fishes in my biocube but then i gave some away now i only have 3.. 1 per clown, 1 fire goby, 1 flasher wrasse..


The bigger of the 3 Chromis was a little aggresive towards the clown, but that lasted a week and now they are fine. They seem to be a little more aggresive towards eachother than my other fish so i just let them sort things out and they seem to be fine. After reading all the horror stories on here about them, i must have got a lucky batch


i had a gramma that beat up all my inverts, he even killed one of my pep shrimp. i traded him for a bicolor blenny.


He behaves himself as long as people dont go near his cave. If they do, he warns them by opening his mouth really big but ive never seen him actually do anything about it


Ill post some pics later tonight when i get off work. I got a new addition (green bubble coral) and i have a few questions also but those are in the LPS coral forum...