I have a stock BC29 and im just curious if i am close or have i reached my limit.
Fish--1 True Percula, 1 sixline, 1 royal gramma, and 3 green chromis.
Inverts--2 peppermints, 5 hermits, 7 Astrea/Turbos, and 3 emeralds
Corals--6 zoo frags, 4-headed torch, GSP, clove polyps, and mushrooms.
I want to get a small green bubble coral, a couple ricordias, and a small frag of a neon green candy cane coral.
By the way, all parameters are normal and tank has been up for about 2.5 months now. Everything seems happy and healthy and the last thing i want to do is overstock my tank. Thanks for the help in advance.
Fish--1 True Percula, 1 sixline, 1 royal gramma, and 3 green chromis.
Inverts--2 peppermints, 5 hermits, 7 Astrea/Turbos, and 3 emeralds
Corals--6 zoo frags, 4-headed torch, GSP, clove polyps, and mushrooms.
I want to get a small green bubble coral, a couple ricordias, and a small frag of a neon green candy cane coral.
By the way, all parameters are normal and tank has been up for about 2.5 months now. Everything seems happy and healthy and the last thing i want to do is overstock my tank. Thanks for the help in advance.