Have Live Rock but Tank Isnt Set Up


Today I bought about 40 pounds of live rock from a guy who needed it sold. I dont have my tank set up yet, but will this weekend. I have the rock in a couple buckets but Im not too sure on what I should do now. Should I add some saltwater to the buckets and let them sit till this weekend? I realize either way all the organisms will probably die, but is it really a big deal? This kind of happend to me the last time I set up a tank, but the rock was all in an empty tank with water and no heater, but when I put it in the main tank it came back alive eventually. If anyone can tell me the best option for now, that would really help.


Active Member
Yes get some saltwater at the correct Sg, a heater at the correct temp, and a power head for flow into the buckets with the rock. You want to limit the die off that is occurring.


Alright, I think I have a ten gallon tank lying around somewhere, or I actually have a couple big tubs as well. I will put all the rock in there, and add some water with the correct salinity, and put a heater and power head in there. Thanks a lot for the quick reply.


Not good news. I think I have to come up with some else. I realized I dont have any water dechlorinator, and all the pet stores are closed. Is there anyway I can just mix all the salt with water, and still have put the live rock in there without any water dechlorinator?


I use tap water and mix with my salt. never have used dechlorinator and my tank seems fine over a year now

small triggers

Active Member
if you are just setting it up tp keep die off to a minimum, use tap water, just dont transfer that water over to the tank when you set it up....