Have many questions!!


Am sooo glad I found this site! I have a few questions, well, just 2 for now.
I have a couple of hermit crabs in my 6 gal. tank. From what I have been reading, these are not good.Will I have more things growing from live rock if I get rid of them? (Give them bck to lfs)
Second, I am in process of setting up 20 gal. long and I would appreciate some opinions on what to put in there, fish wise.
Thanks for any opinions and advice.
Sharon :)


First welcome aboard this is a great bb. Secondly what kind of hermits do you have scarlet reef, blue legged..etc. Hermits are benifical to the aquarium they eat unwanted algea and waste. Secondly clowns are great beginner fish hardy and have great personalities. HTH..


New Member
hermits are ok, i have a few different types in my tank. some people think certain types are not reef safe. as far as a 20 long, thats actually my setup right now. i have a blue damsel, and a percula clown, a bubble tip anenome and a pink finger coral. a whole bunch of different hermits and snails, and 2 peppermint shrimps with about 15lbs of lr
the dwarf hermits are the best.and for fish firefish,gobys and clowns are the best and of course damsels o and for cycling ur tak use chromises they are almost just as a hardy and are not aggressive at all


What are you talking about, Joe?! Don't encourage her to use fish to cycle! I, and many others, think this is pretty cruel. Toss in a few raw shrimp.. do a search on this board for more information on this method. Much more simple, inexpensive, effective, and humane.


well as for hermits some can be a nuisence (excuse the spelling) but they are an essential part. They sometimes like to move rock and kill snails. As for fish if your going to have a med/deep sand bed i would go with a goby or a blenny they are fun to watch and relitivly easy to take care of. Maybe a gold head or orange spot goby, or maybe a lawnmower blenny. Hope this helped


Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Not sure exactly what kind of hermits I have. All I know is they have black/white legs.
I also do not like to cycle with fish. Have been reading on the shrimp thing. Will try that.
I still don't know what type of fish I will be putting in the new tank. But I have time to try and figure this out and decide.