.i have 2 large frags of light pink pom pom xeina they have 3-4 stocks on eack rock the rock is like 3.5 by 4 inches and i also have a frag of teal shrooms they are teal striped with blue spots.
lookin for zoos kenya trees montipora and a whole lot more.
Originally Posted by wantonsoup
Would you be interested in a few heads of frogspawns and hammers?
no thanks i already have hammers and some frogspawn.
Originally Posted by Roll Tide
I have some red/rust mushrooms I would trade for some of your teal /blue mushrooms. Let me know. Sorry the pics are not so good. Thanks
i already have red shrooms do you have any thing else?
I have a colt coral of some type. I've had it a couple of years now but I dont know how to frag it. I heard you simply cut off a branch but I'm not sure. I could do some research on it if your interested.
Originally Posted by Roll Tide
I have a colt coral of some type. I've had it a couple of years now but I dont know how to frag it. I heard you simply cut off a branch but I'm not sure. I could do some research on it if your interested.
no thanks im lookin for sps and zoos