Have some questions about caulerpa?


I just got some caulerpa yesterday and I have a few questions. I'm not sure of which kind, but have some that fills a 10g tank. I'm probably going to take half of it and feed it to my tangs. I've read about having the lights on 24/7, and I've been doing that, but what else? Do they need other types of nutrients? I don't have a substrate right now, but I have some cc that I'm going to put in the tank. Do I need l/r or something so it can root or would the cc be fine? Do I need current? Any advice would be great. :)


Where is your caulerpa? In a main tank or a refugium? The lights being on 24/7, in my experience keeps the caulerpa from going sexual and turning white and totally polluting your water. I don't have any fish that eat caulerpa, although my hermit crabs do, and I would rubberband it onto a rock to hope that it connects itself..
We don't feed ours anything special, and it spreads like crazy.. Ours is also in a medium current..
Did I help at all???


You don't HAVE to hook it on anything..it will do it on it's own. It grows very quickly and will end up taking over if your not careful.


It's not in the main tank. I have a seperate tank that is not connected to anything. So, you're saying what I am doing now is ok for them?

fish fry

If you had it hooked up to the main tank it would help to filter and purify the water. It will also help to reduce other types of algae.
As far as lighting goes I've heard that 24/7 works to keep it from going sexual. Some people also light it opposite their main tank to help balance the pH.
However, I've heard from many people with all different types of set-up say that they have had it crash at one point or another. It might have something to do with what type of caulerpa you have. Certain species do better than others.
If you can describe it or post a picture we might be able to help you determine what you have.
I have also heard that supplementing the tank with iron might help prevent it from crashing. After all caulerpa is a plant and plants do need iron.
i just got more macro algae today so I'll keep you updated.
Fish Fry


What does it mean when it turns white? The tips of some of my caulerpa are turning white and it's in my main tank (a small patch). Do I need to get it out of there?
[ December 28, 2001: Message edited by: JustinL ]


If it is just the tips, it is more than likely new growth. The white should be on the ends/shoots, or new growth of leaves. If it starts to turn pale then you should remove it.