Have to upgrade


New Member
Hi all, I've been coming here for a couple of years and now I need some specifics(bear with me this might take a while). My wife said my 55gal has to go! She doesn't like it in the living room so she's going to buy me a 230gal to move it into and put in the basement.
I have almost all the fish I want except for a Mandarin, some Anthias, and maybe a Flame Angel. My new tank will be 72Lx24Hx30W with a center overflow since it will be viewed from 3 sides(front, back, end). I want to add some LPS and a couple of SPS
Equipment: I currently have 2 HOB Filters, cheap skimmer, Nova Extreme T5HO lights, 3 PH's, about 100lbs LR and 100lbs LS.
My current stock is:
1ea Black and White Ocellaris Clown
2ea Ocellaris Clowns
2ea Firefish Gobies
3ea Yellowtail Damsels(I know)
1ea Three Spot Damsel
1ea Bi-Color Blennie
1ea Scooter Blennie
3ea Brittle Stars
2ea Tigertail Cucumbers
2ea Skunk Stripe Shrimp
1ea Sebae Anemone
1ea Peppermint Shrimp
1ea Sally Lightfoot Crab
Snails, Hermits, and about 100 little snails that only come out at night
Xenias, Kenya Trees, Zoo's, Duncan, Torch, Frogspawn, Polyps, and a Brain Coral
Now for my questions...
I want to do a Sump/Refuge for filtration and growing copes. My thought is to convert my 55gal over by dividing it into three sections, first 12" for protein skimmer, 2nd 18" for refugium, 3rd 18" for sump return. I plan 3 return pumps; two at about 2000 GPH return to the tank and a third at about 800GPH through the chiller and then into the tank. Will the 55 be big enough to handle the water flow and still properly filter? Can I use the two big pumps alternating for wave action and still get enough flow? Will two 2" drain pipes and three 1 1/2" return pipes be large enough? How large should the overflow be?
Is there a way of temporarily storing my livestock while I convert the 55gal and let the new tank cycle? The nearest LFS is in Salt Lake City about 250 miles away.
Is anyone familiar with Marine Environment salt? Good, Bad, Indifferent?
I will be upgrading the lights to MH and T5HO combination.
If you managed to hang in this long I appreciate it and I really appreciate any advice you folks can give. Thanks


Dang, you have to get a 230 gal tank... SHUX!!! LOL. Not sure if a 55 gal sump will be enough for a 230 gal DT. Probably need more like 100 gal. I turned my 55 into the sump/refugium for my 125

I kept my 55 up and running while I got the 125 going and used a temporary sump. Don't know if this helped. If your looking for cheap base rock the West Desert in Utah is AWESOME, $20/ton check this out scroll down about half way and you'll see it http://geology.utah.gov/surveynotes/...scaperock2.htm


New Member
Yeah, my poor wife
I don't think she knew what she was getting into when she married me. I told her my addictions were easily managed
So lace rock is ok for saltwater? That would sure save me a lot of money. Thanks for the advice on the sump, I was afraid of that but it works out in the long run, I'll have a place to keep everyone until my tank gets cycled.


Active Member
In regards to your livestock during your cycle...I saw these Rubbermaid Brute containers that were like 50 gallons or so...they were similar in size and shape to a 55 gallon aquarium (a little wider and a little shorter)...they seemed like they would be able to hold up well with water. You could then rig your lights to be over the top of the tote and have a "lagoon" type tank.


Originally Posted by HiDesertReefer
Do you have any idea how big the overflow should be and if the 4800GPH in pumps will be too much?
I have two overflows in the back corners that are 11"x5" with 1.5" stand pipe drains and more than keep up with my 1500 GPH pump. As for 4800 GPH being too much, it depends on if powerheads are included on the4800 or if it is just the returns
IMO 4800 GPH going through your sump will be too much


New Member
Thanks brownie and jas, I'm trying to get away from having any PH's in the tank by providing enough flow from the sump/refug. Is that a possibility? I want to keep some SPS like acropora.