Have you been...


Active Member
nope. are you saying we should all go, or are you asking those who have been if you should go?


I was asking the later, and to inform you guys now. It is very small. Only Nine display tanks. Although there are some pretty cool fish, there was nothing spectacular. It was a good excuse to go to Downtown Savannah. Its beautiful there!


Active Member
hmmmm, thanks we are going to be in the area around xmas.
Will it be open while the school is closed for the holidays?
I hope not.


I am not really sure when they are open. Supposedly there is another aquarium on Tybee Island. I had a t-shirt with trigger Fish on it on when we went down to River St. and a lady stopped me and started talking to us about the aquarium. She said they were getting ready to install a 500 gal tank at theirs. We might go check that out in a few weeks.
What I had found most interesting was that the aquarium we went to actually pumps the water straight in from the river. I was under the impression that that was bad, beacause of toxins and such. However, the woman told us that they have some sort of filter set up to purify the water. They NEVER have to make saltwater, do water changes or top offs!!! Wouldn't that be lovely!??! She really couldn't tell me much more than that as she only did the admissions. They have two biologists come in for all of the maintenance, etc. Another cool thing is that they actually capture their own livestock, and then release it back to the wild after they observe it in some cases. I suppose this could pose a problem, but at least they take good care of their tanks. I took some pictures on my DC to share with you guys. I have to get new batteries for my cam tomorrow hopefully, and then I will post. Sorry this is so long winded!


Active Member
love to see them. Funny you mentioned Tybee Island. We were actually wanting to stay there for a couple of days. WOW....they are astronomical. 2 bedroom condo $400 A NIGHT. I want to see their lighthouse, so we will drive through to our less expensive destination. :D Put your pics back here when you can.