Have you changed your carbon lately?


HMMM...I don't use carbon in my 225G or 54G
I have it in the 29G...2 bags, and I change one every other week with water changes


Active Member
In my tank, the carbon hasn't been changed for a few months, in other tank (dads) I changed it not 40 minutes ago.


Active Member
yep yesterday and every 2-4wks depending on which water change weekend I feel like messing with the reactor. I could care less about the carbon being exhausted though, I change it because I run GFO at the bottom and I cant get to it without removing the carbon. I also run Purigen between sump baffles but since neither bag has ever changed color (suppose to darken when exhausted) I dont change that.

u mike

I have not used carbon the last 5 month, tank looks just the same as it did when I used carbon.


Well-Known Member

I do mine with water changes each month. However I have been having grief with my lights and didn't do the change as scheduled and now Passover is just a week away, the house must be made ready.
I need to get my water ready and replace the carbon in the canister. I was thinking on it just this morning and now I see your thread....


Just did and the water is amazingly clear. I try to change it out once a month, or right before we have company it really looks good for a day or two.