Have you ever been stung?


Have you every been stung by coral. I was moving things in my tank and I think my arm touched my hammer coral. Today it is all red and tender to the touch. It feels like a burn.:eek:
I got stung by a big bristle worm one time. It hurt pretty bad. I peed on my finger, and pain went away after a while. I was told to do this by some dude.


I've never personally been stung. I've seen the effects of someone getting stung by a Volitans Lionfish though. His thumb swolled up HUGE, and he passed out - twice.


Originally posted by tracklighter
[B. I peed on my finger, and pain went away after a while. I was told to do this by some dude. [/B]
would have been bad if you touched your lalalala with some of that venom if there was any externaly on the finger. :D


Active Member
Actually, it is the ammonia in it that works. I knew some lifeguards back in South Carolina that kept a bottle of ammonia at their stands for jellyfish stings.


i got stung by a big carpet anemone on the underside of my wrist once. itched like crazy and had a bunch of little bumps sorta like poison ivy for about a week


Active Member
leaky tank? pee on it!
aggressive fish? pee on it!
old light bulbs? pee on it!
hmmm, doesn't work out to well. ctm474, if I were you, I think i'd still give other solutions to peoples problems :D


I am going to the doctor for an earache later. If he tells me to pee on it I'm going to be very upset;)
If only peeing on the darn damsel we have been trying to catch would have worked (and trust me, we would have tried anything) we would not have had to take apart the hole tank just to get it out. :mad:
Next ime I need some help, I am going to ask tracklighter...it might save me time and anguish;)


Know what you mean. I had to tear mine up to get my darn yellow tang out. Sheesh...

richard rendos

Active Member
I have been stung by frogspawns, torches, carpet anemones, volitans lionfish, but worst of all was being stung by a rainbow urchin. The others felt like a bee sting (I am not allergic), but the urchin hurt bad. The pain shot up through my whole arm. After about 10-15 minutes I couldn't tell I had been stung...no pain, no mark, nothing. I just ran cold water over my hand for 5-10 minutes.


The best thing for a sting is HOT water. hot as your can stand.
peeing on an injury is actually a good thing, your own urine is sterile to your body and will promote healing. I will admit that I have peed on my injuries before, and it works, desperate times call for desperate measures.


I got stung by my fox tang last week and thanks to the people in here they helped me, told me to run hot water on it and it really helped. But boy did that hurt worst sting i ever had. mrswv1956