Have you used a Euro-reef skimmer?


I just got one and it works great! I love it! There is some other copycat brand that people talk about that is cheaper and works the same, but I am not sure what it is called.

murray bmf

I have used an Euro-reef for over two years and love it. It is plug and play,and it works great. I can honestly say I noticed a difference in my tank with this product. It is also easy to clean, and never needs and adjustments. The only drawback is you need a sump, and it has a fairly large foot print, if you already have one then your should be set.


Active Member
Yup, I've used one for 5+ years...their very good skimmers but be ready for the worst customer service you've ever seen. I don't recommend thier skimmers, I think they are way over priced and if you have problems your petty much screwed.
BTW, you don't need a sump to run the Recic models.
I want to remind everybody that ER is the "copycat" skimmer. They took the design from another builder a long time ago. That said, I just setup a Geo recirc skimmer that is very close to the ER 8-3 recirc model. Its much better built and cost a lot less.
If you ever manage to get a live person at ER make sure you get your boots on cause its going to get DEEP..........real deep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Yep alot of people believe Euro's are the originals, and lo and behold they are the copycats

Its cause ER's been around longer then most people, in the hobby I mean
I'm kind of shocked The VP of ER isn't posting here. He seems to follow me all over at another unmentioned forum.....that guy really hates me