Havent a clue whats going on lol


New Member
Ok so we bought what was claimed as a Long Tenticle Anemone for 12 dollars. The color was blue, with the tips going to a greenish white...the trouble is this thing is HUGE I mean its like 9 inches across if not more and its about 7 rough inchs tall when it stands up. it has a clown with it, used to be a male an dfemale but the male died and she is super aggresive and protective of the Anemone.
heres the issue, as of a few days ago I noticed brown spots and blotchs covering the tenticles and was wondering if this was just algea? or a sign of somethign serious
I am hoping to have pictures of my baby as soon as her real owner comes home lol the one working tank is my friends, I am in charge of propagating coral and other jobs :p


BLUE????? HMMM,...I wonder if it was died, and now its true colors are coming back....I'd love to see the pics when you have them


New Member
QUOTE=meowzer;3148014]BLUE????? HMMM,...I wonder if it was died, and now its true colors are coming back....I'd love to see the pics when you have them
it wasnt dead, thing eats every fish head we gave it lol, I mean its like a powder blue, very light....its why we bought it, its amazing to look at, and the clown is yellow and white so the match is breathtaking
things as big as a good sized plate and when it wants to come out of itws cave it stands right up and its a good 7 inchs high lol


I don't think she meant it was dead. It was dyed that color. Some people do that.sad,,but for that size , still a good deal.


New Member
Originally Posted by EmusinKY
I don't think she meant it was dead. It was dyed that color. Some people do that.sad
that was my first thought, but the brown patches are diff on top and you have to see this color, its beautiful, its transluciant so you can see thru her when she stands up and it looks like a picture I found on google lemme see if this link works lol
Mine is like 4 times bigger and wider


New Member
Originally Posted by EmusinKY
link didn't work but it sounds cool. Let's have a picture.
Looking for a camera, lol turns out as much as I hate cell phones kinda wish I had one right now, maybe this works >.< this is the color but the shape and size are wayy off


Active Member
Yup a dyed anemone. The brown you see is the real color coming back. Nothing to worry about as it is a sign that what you are doing is getting it healthy again. Sorry as you probably like the blue color but there are unscupulous people that will dye these animals.


New Member
Finally got ahold of a camera so here is our bad photgraphy at work

Full tank for scale

I mean, its totally happy in its cave and pokes out a huge gap on the left side whenever it feels like it


It looks kinda bleached too.....what kind of lighting do you have? How old is your tank? what are your water parameters??


New Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
It looks kinda bleached too.....what kind of lighting do you have? How old is your tank? what are your water parameters??
Power Compacts-4 65 watt? bulbs, works out to be a total of 5 watts per gallon he claims
4 Months old roughly


Originally Posted by Mr.MainelyMagi
Power Compacts-4 65 watt? bulbs, works out to be a total of 5 watts per gallon he claims
4 Months old roughly
YIKES....WELL....anemones should go into older tanks...a minimum of 6 months old...BUT with excellent water it can be done in newer ones (didn't work for me though)
ALSO....I really don;t think you have enough light....MOST (not all) anemones do not do well under pcs (mine never did)
What size in your tank?


Active Member
Post 10 pictures look a lot worse than post 8 picture. Agree with Lois here you do not have enough light to keep this creature long term.


New Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
YIKES....WELL....anemones should go into older tanks...a minimum of 6 months old...BUT with excellent water it can be done in newer ones (didn't work for me though)
ALSO....I really don;t think you have enough light....MOST (not all) anemones do not do well under pcs (mine never did)
What size in your tank?

55 gallon, lol I have mentioned it before but hes cheap >.>
so what would you recommend for lightning