New Member
Ok so we bought what was claimed as a Long Tenticle Anemone for 12 dollars. The color was blue, with the tips going to a greenish white...the trouble is this thing is HUGE I mean its like 9 inches across if not more and its about 7 rough inchs tall when it stands up. it has a clown with it, used to be a male an dfemale but the male died and she is super aggresive and protective of the Anemone.
heres the issue, as of a few days ago I noticed brown spots and blotchs covering the tenticles and was wondering if this was just algea? or a sign of somethign serious
I am hoping to have pictures of my baby as soon as her real owner comes home lol the one working tank is my friends, I am in charge of propagating coral and other jobs
heres the issue, as of a few days ago I noticed brown spots and blotchs covering the tenticles and was wondering if this was just algea? or a sign of somethign serious
I am hoping to have pictures of my baby as soon as her real owner comes home lol the one working tank is my friends, I am in charge of propagating coral and other jobs