Havent posted for some time

Havent posted for some time, and im back, and need some help for my stocking options.
For fish I have: 2 clowns, 2 damsels, foxface.
For corals/inverts: one red knobby starfish, small barnacle, small tunicates, cleaner shrimp, favites brain coral, and a rock filled with ricordea.
I was wondering if I could add another fish, such as a sleeper goby and a royal gramma? Or instead of those 2 a Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse would be really nice. Im gonna keep adding corals such as fox coral, and candy cane. Any other suggestions?
I have a 55 gallon tank with 260 watts of PC, Ive had the tank for about one year, tank paremeters are all ok and the temperature stays about 77-78. Thanks.


My 2 cents says your starting to get heavy on fish. damsels and clowns tend to be territorial and might not welcome newcomers. Didnt mention a clean up crew. Corals I bump to some one else just watch your placement levels so they get the strength of light they need.