Having another chance at remodeling your tank


Hi i am new to saltwater fish i have a 36 gal aquarium (with fresh watter fish). As i was making my purchases in a store i saw the saltwater fish and i was intrigued by the sight

Now i want to make my fresh water into a fish only saltwater tank :happyfish
heres a chance for any one to remodel a tank of your liking :jumping:
pls let me now what equipment i need :help: for a 36 gal tank
in order for it to be well maintained and so the fish could have a home in which they could be happy
the fish you were to put in it :thinking:
thanks in advance


Originally Posted by aquaman2000
Hi i am new to saltwater fish i have a 36 gal aquarium (with fresh watter fish). As i was making my purchases in a store i saw the saltwater fish and i was intrigued by the sight

Now i want to make my fresh water into a fish only saltwater tank :happyfish
heres a chance for any one to remodel a tank of your liking :jumping:
pls let me now what equipment i need :help: for a 36 gal tank
in order for it to be well maintained and so the fish could have a home in which they could be happy
the fish you were to put in it :thinking:
thanks in advance

Hello, and welcome to the boards!!!!!! First, fish are off the list of things to get for awhile. You want to do this correctly I assume, or you wouldn't have asked. No gravel. a fine sand bed works best. Cycle your tank with uncured live rock (the bacteria from your freshwater will die in salt) Please post any and all questions.


Active Member
People are willing to answer most questions so feel free to ask. I would suggest looking in the FAQ section on the messageboard for a lot of information as well as doing some reading. The New Marine Aquarium by michael S. Paletta is the book I read. Many people also suggest reading The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert M. Fenner. Good luck!


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Hello, and welcome to the boards!!!!!! First, fish are off the list of things to get for awhile. You want to do this correctly I assume, or you wouldn't have asked. No gravel. a fine sand bed works best. Cycle your tank with uncured live rock (the bacteria from your freshwater will die in salt) Please post any and all questions.
yes i have read about the nitrogen cycle and am fully aware of doing it and about the sand also i need :help: with the equipment and the fish to put in
i have heard it is different from that of the freshwater tank


What type of fish would you like to keep?
You might want to go bigger for those fish you like.
I wish i started bigger. And i started with a 55g.
And do you want a reef setup, fish only, fish only with live rock?


I have a 35 Gallon and this is what I have a AquaClear300/70 rated for a 30 to 70 gallon, two power heads, a skimmer, 51 pounds of LR and 40 pounds of sand. You should only need a flourescent light for fish only but if you want your coraline growing good a VHO or T5 light would be good.