Having problem with stock list.


Just getting some frustration out, along with asking for a little advice. I have been beating my head against the wall trying to figure out a good stock list. want to go reef but I am wondering now if that is best. Everytime I think have figured out a good combo of inverts or fish, nope won't work!! This one will nip coral, hermits kill snails, I was looking at arrow crabs I think they are awesome, nope they grow up and kill anything they can, and it continues
!The only thing I know for sure I want now are some clowns, it seems as though they get along with everything. I love crabs, and shrimp but it seems there are isues with those as well. I may just go agressive at least I can get some eels and I love lion fish. I was looking at a fuzzy dwarf lion because I read it is one of the only lions that could be ok in a reef system, because they have a smaller mouth, but do they bother inverts
? I am trying to put a stock list together where I will have the fewest problems and make great tank mates and add character to the tank. I need something that is easy to take care of until I can get some more experience.Any suggestions would be appreciated.
. Sorry for the rambling, just a little flustered, like I said I see something I like, and find out it don't work.


Active Member
Actually Clowns are sometimes considered aggressive and may go after ivnerts and other fish if they feel threatened. :p I'm kidding(sorta).
Fuzzy Lions are reef-cautious. Might work, might not. It might be worth getting one to try it out, but forget about getting any smaller fish then. :D Hermits don't always kill snails, I think it depends on the type of hermit. Mine leave snails alone, but I wouldn't care if they didn't since they're just snails. My Puffer got rid of all my Sundials(yay!). There's plenty of crabs to get, look for ones that have symbiotic relationships with corals. Shrimp its easy to stick with Coral-Banded, Peppermint, and Cleaners.


Thanks, I think my biggest problem is I want EVERYTHING!
Just kidding, (kind of
). I am doing my research, I just have to stop reading the horror stories. But I would like some suggestions on some good colorful fish for a newbie. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Well my tanks a predator so thats where most of my research is, I'd imagine the peaceful reefers can offer better suggestions then me :) I understand what you mean about not getting all you want. This is the original stocklist I wanted for my tank:
Clown Trigger
Volitan Lion
Porcupine Puffer
Moray Eel
In the end, the only ones I'm going to end up getting are the Puffer and Eel. Although I do think my original stock list would've been cool while it lasted.


Active Member
clownfish are fine in reefs although they do get territorial, also coral banded shrimp have been known to be mean and not do well with really small fish or other shrimp.
you havnt told us what size of tank this is since that is a huge factor in coming up with a stock list. Also if your planning on going reef get the biggest fuge u can!
If i were you i would get clowns, depending on size of tank you might be able to look at some tangs like the blue hippo, yellow tang, sailfin tang, maybe naso if you have a huge tank you could look at some wrasses like the sixline, yellow, maybe flame if u dont mind spending the money. Also blackcap basslets are cool looking along with royal grammas but you can only have a blackcap or a royal not both. umm if you have a big enough tank with a big fuge and lots of live rock you could get a mandarin goby(dragonet) or a scooter goby/blenny(i think they belong in the dragonet family too tho...) you could get a school of chromis, or anthias depending on size of tank and if u want to go more than once a day feeding you could look into a dwarf angel like the pygmy, flame, or coral beauty but they are 50/50 on nipping corals so im not sure if you would like to chance it. blennies work but u need a lot of algae and put in algae sheets for them. gobies should work too along with firefish
Anyways just tell me if you like any of these fish tell me, basically make a huge list of fish you like and we can narrow it down to compatible fish u like along with ones that will do good in your tank size and if u have a fuge.
for shrimp i would stick with peppermint, cleaner, and/or fire
for snails i would go astrea or turbo, and tongan nassarius
i wouldnt get hermits...


Active Member
Well, I don't have a complete answer to your question, but if you didn't already know, cleaner shrimp work really well in reef tanks...I just converted my tank to a reef and I'm REALLY happy with it. You'll never be able to get the exact combination of fish you want (you can't fight biology!), but there are plenty of excellent fish out there to choose from. I personally like the idea of a reef community tank with small fish. That way there is more going on and you can squeeze more fish into the limited space you have. Checkout sixline wrasses, royal gramas, and clown gobies.


Active Member
ok, i looked at your profile, do you still have the 180 tank. if so you have lots of room,
Yes hermits will take out a few snails, but I have never had too many problems with them
emeralds have always been good, I just buy them small
cleaner shrimp are really cool
if you like an eel looking fish, try an engineer gobie. Just be sure your rock is resting in the bottom so they dont dig them out.
Very cool fish
pygmy angles are very active fish. i havent had any problems with mine picking at corals.
fairy wrasses are very nice. very active.
you could do something like this
2 clowns
eng gobie
pygmy angel
firefish gobie
fairy wrasse
bi-color blenny
something like zebra gobies
do you plan on any tangs??


Sorry everyone I forgot to tell you that I do have a 180. I have a 55 turned into a sump/fuge.200 pounds of rock. Thanks for the help everyone I appreciate it
. Here is a list I started to think of:
mandarine dragonet...way later when tank has enough pods.
flame angel
maybe a hippo tang if 180 is big enough(don't want to alert the tang police)

maybe an engineer goby not sure.
cleaner shrimp
coral banded
I would love a fuzzy dwarf lion not sure if can make it work though.
if not then some smaller fish also
some blennies, not sure what yet
maybe some gobies
what is the rule on how many fish for a reef set up?
the list is a work in progress but I do appreciate the help, if there are anymore suggestions they are always welcome.
Glad I found this board


Active Member
There have been a few with dwarf fuzzys. I think murph was one.
I have had tobys in my reef, the only thing they bothered was nass snails.
I have a 150.