Couple things I see. First the inner OF box doesn't change flow, it only raises and lowers the water level in the tank. Whatever water goes in the tank the OF will try and remove. Don't restrict flow on the OF box! This will only lead to trouble. Again the OF will only try and remove as much water from the tank as it is put in the tank. If you want to restrict flow do it on the return side.
You can either add a shut-off in line with the pump or add a T w/ a shut-off that will divert some of the water back to the sump rather than the tank.
A durso wouldn't hurt. Heres a pic.
It would help to know what the pump is and how much it is flowing back to the tank. But overall it looks like you are out flowing the OF. You also have to remember that there is head pressure on the drains. Spa=flex is a great way to get around elbows and still can be used with PVC fittings.