Having problems with my clam


I bought a small squamosa clam about 5 days ago and it seems to be having problems. The mantle of the clam doesn't seem to come out near as much as before and when I looked at it today it had been knocked over and when I picked it up it looked like the two shells were seprating at the bottom and you could see straight through from the top all the way into the sand. At night my cleaner shrimp seem to spend a lot of time on the clam and they seem to be digging down in it. As of now it is still alive but I am getting very worried because I really like it and I was eventually wanting to get a maxima clam also. I have 220 watts of light and the clam is getting tons of light. What else do I need to do or know to raise a clam????????


Will someone please reply, I really need help with this. Also does anyone think I have too much stuff in my tank, evry little bit of info helps.