Having so much fun


Active Member
I love watching my little critters. My hermits are so funny. My lfs gave me abot 15 empty shells. The day I threw them in my crabs came over and started checking them out, looking them over and trying them on. It was soo funny watching them. Then today i brought home a new Bi-Color Blenny. It is a hoot. so funny. the kids named him Phil. after the ground hog, because he sticks his little head out of a hole he found in the live rock. He has such personality. Hope everyone else is having asmuch fun as we are.


My bicolor likes to twitch his head when i get close and stare at him.
Its like hes saying don't mess with me i'm crazy.:D


glad your enjoying it! my fish are the most active about this time of night, and a blue damsel found a tunnel in one of the rocks....funny to watch him swim into the whole and see where he's gonna come out....the are several ways in/out. First time he went in I was wondering if he WOULD get out!!!! I can't wait for my spider phobic parents to come and see the arrow crab...cuz it looks like a huge spider....it'll send my dad right through the roof.........my mom.....she'll just plain refuse to look at the tank......


Active Member
Loopy, oh my goodness, i saw one of those and it freaked me out, because we live in sw fla, and have these huge wolf spiders, that look just like that crab. non for me


Active Member
Awesome to hear. That's what it's all about.
I had a bicolor in my old tank. He acted like a little watch dog. Anytime I would stick my hand in the tank he would attack me and keep hitting me (trying to bite me) until I abandoned my project. He was nice to all his tankmates. Guess he was just trying to protect them.


Our salt tank is in our bedroom. I wish it was in the living room. I'd rather watch it than TV. We currently have a 55 fresh water there instead. Not nearly as engrossing.


Active Member
I have 2 55g. 1 Rift lake and 1 FOWLRLS. Both are in the Family room. Kids watch a movie for the 100th time I watch the tanks:) Wife watches what she likes to watch, I watch the tanks:) . Wife and kids go to bed TV goes off and I really watch the tanks

After several monthes I'm always looking to improve my fish's homes.
I'm addicted:D
Thanks to all on the boards who have helped!!!


New Member
TeresaQ, Yes it is fun. We are having such a good time learning about everything. Scary at times though due to so many different opinions on everything. Last night at the LFS, I was with one sales guy asking questions and my husband was on the other side of the store with someones else asking the same stuff. 2 different responses to each of us about the same questions. We just had to shake our heads in amazement. But once we are home and looking at the tank, it is a blast.
We got snails last night, aclimated them and watched them for about an hour mow down our algae and diatoms in the dark with a flashlight. Sure beats the TV any day!


I have a 36 gal FOWLR and a 10 gal fresh. My wife will sit in the Living room and watch reality tv shows and I sit in the office watching reality at its best. The SW tank is alot more animated And I Can sit for hours just looking.