having trouble maintaining my temperature.


Active Member
my temp has been fluctuating between 76 and 82 at different times of the day. I decided to move the heater from the sump to the main tank, but it hasn't helped at all. I put the glass cover on the tank at night to trap in heat, but that doesn't help either. the animals haven't shown any adverse effects, but it worries me. what should I do to maintain the temp at 80?
the thermometer I use is one of the stick on ones. would the outside temp affect reading since it's stuck on the outside? I have an african cichlid tank with a stick on thermometer and inside thermometer, and they pretty much read the same thing.


First get a better thermometer. Second, raise the temp setting on your heater to 82. The actual tem of 82 is fine. The temperature fluctuation you are experiencing will stress out your fish. If you set your heater to 82 your tank will not go to 87 during the day, the heater will not kick on, but if your temps maxed out at 82 then that would be the easiest setting.


If you had the heater a while it might need to be replaced.
Is this new or used setup?
The sump would be the best spot for flow.
How many watts is your heater?
I would borrow the inside thermometer from your fw tank to test if it correct.


Active Member
the heater is 200 watts and cost $40. I don't think a better heater is needed.
it's already set at 82, it just drops at night.
it's only 7 month old, my tank has only been setup for 7 months, and this is the first time it's fluctuated like this.


While you lights are on during the day you will experience a temp flux unless you are running a chiller. Right now I have 260watt pc and durng the day when my lights are on I will go up to 80 degrees. Even though I have my therm set at 76. Also the number of PH's and filters//skimmers you run will also effect you temp. 4 degrees swings are normal and so far have done nothing to harm my tank at all. The thing u have to watch for are the big spikes and falls. I would say more than 6 degrees would be bad. Raising your therm to 82 might not be the best thing because you lights would raise the temp to a possible 86 which could cause prob to some of your inverts
just my 2 cents



Originally posted by Pontius
the heater is 200 watts and cost $40. I don't think a better heater is needed.

That heater isn't enough for your tank size. The general rule of thumb I've always heard is 5 watts/gallon. I've got 2 - 150watt heaters in my 55.



Originally posted by Pontius
it's already set at 82, it just drops at night.

If your heater is set at 82 and your temp goes all the way down to 76 then it is one of 3 reasons...
1. The heater is not powerful enough to heat all of your water
2. It's broken
3. Where the number 80 (0r 82 or whatever the numbers are) have fallen out of calibration. This is most likely the reason since I have yet to find a heater that's calibrated proplerly.
Is your heater constantly on when your temp drops? If so then the heater isn't powerful enough. If it kicks off then it has reached it's set temp and you will need to adjust the dial accordingly. If that is the case then a reliable thermometer will be your only source of accuracy. Just move thedial a hair and see where your temp is when the heater cuts off, if it's still below 82 then move it another pinch, etc, etc...


I would get atleast a 400w.
I had 300w on my 55 and it still changed 4 degrees.
I have about 70g of volume with my 55g ,10g fuge, and 125g size wetdry.
I have 600w now.
But as you can tell i like to over do it alittle.:D


Can't you use two heaters, like one on each side of the tank, so that water is heated evenly? I was considering this--I read it in a book , I think. Anyone do this?


Active Member
You can do that but if you have an apropriate sized heater set in the current then it will heat the water invenly and shouldnt have a problem. But you can have 2 heaters some ppl do as many as 3 or 4 heaters but I like just having 1 tucked away behind my powerheads and my tank is 80 degrees all the way on the other side of the tank and if I move it to the left side it is still 80 degrees.