Hawaii Feather Duster Secreting White Liquid


New Member
Hi all...This morning my duster was squirting out a whiteish liquid, still is.......what the heck is going on? Is that its way of removing its "waste" or what?
It even made the water a little cloudy.....im nervous.heh..


Active Member
Welcome to the board!! :D Maybe reproducing? I have never seen this, but believe I've read something about it here. Bumping for others to see.


is his tube damaged? i've seen that happen when they are getting ready to add to their tube. really slimy stuff, but not harmful. look at the tube closely in the morning for any additions.


New Member
There was a little crack in the tube, right near the top...hmm..
I was in a hurry to get to work yesterday, and took a final glance at the tank before I left and saw that...and started freaking out.hah.
came home and everybody was okay,and the duster was out and happy..
I think possibly it was trying to reproduce
thanks guys!