HAWAII here I come


so just found out that my cousin is taking me to hawaii in june ( 9 through the 20) any suggestion on what to see......... She asked me if I had anything that I really wanted to see or do.... I told her definately snorkeling..... but what else...... any ideas?


I can provide a couple. Don't fly in a tour helicopter, don't go parasailing, don't leave anything in a rental car. Snorkel Hanama (sp) Bay. Go to Laua they're worth the money. Paradise Cove is good, I've heard Germaine's is good too. They have good sushi here too. Try some Ahi Poke. That's what jumps out at me. If you have any questions, let me know.


I have lived there for 2 years...12 years ago and what I remember most is Hanama Bay. If I could go back and spend all my time in one place it would be there. Definately buy and eat a pineapple... You will never look at them the same again. They almost don't even taste like pneapples over here after you've had a fresh one...
Sharks cove is another place that I remember. Especially if you scuba. A lot of night divers there... But if you don't dive, you can look into the water and see them...
Which island are you going to anyway??


Originally Posted by cosguy23
so just found out that my cousin is taking me to hawaii in june ( 9 through the 20) any suggestion on what to see......... She asked me if I had anything that I really wanted to see or do.... I told her definately snorkeling..... but what else...... any ideas?
Will your cousin take me too?
J/K.....Hope you have a blast!


Sharks cove is good too. I'm on Oahu. I wouldn't fly on a helo or parasail for safety reasons. The regulations on parasailing are minimal at best. The helos have a tendency to fall out of the sky, especially here lately. I've lived here almost two years, and there have been 5 crashes/hard landings since I've been here. The shrimp shacks up on the north Shore are the best. Try Giovanni's. Like I said, if you have any questions, let me know. I check this board every couple days.


Active Member
If you're going to be on Oahu, Hanama Bay is a definite must see. There is also a park called Waiamaia Falls (not sure on the spelling there) that is absolutely beautiful.


I think we are going to honululoo....(spelling) I know the house is 12 miles from the airport....100 feet from the ocean.............. I will run some of these ideas by her..... thanks...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by cosguy23
I think we are going to honululoo....(spelling) I know the house is 12 miles from the airport....100 feet from the ocean.............. I will run some of these ideas by her..... thanks...........
Very nice!! Pearl Harbor is definitely worth the visit as well.


the cultural center towards the north side of the island. For a great beach go check out any of North shore or kialua beach. also try keneke's in wiamanalo <sp?> get the kialua pig plate. excellent and a ton of food for little money. the dole plantation is cool for tourists. if your going to drive to north shore (from the city) go around the windward (east) side of the island. it takes a while, but the views are worth it and there are plenty of nice beaches to stop at. haliewa has some great shops and a nice little resteraunt right accross the bridge (can't remember the name, I think it's joe's). Hanauma Bay is a must. the snorkeling is amazing, but go early the place gets really busy and you'll see more in the mornings, take an underwater camera. also try the market at the aloha stadium. it's cheap to get in and you can find the same stuff you see in the stores downtown for half the price or less. these are a few things above what was already mentioned. these are some of my favorite things on Oahu. you can also get cheap airline tickets to other islands, so go see the Volcano National park if you have the money and time, also visit the black sand beaches while you are there. just don't take the sand (bad luck). anyways, have a great time. And remeber to respect the locals. if you do that you wont have any problems (mainly North shore area).


Active Member
hike up Diamond Head, Visit the Aquarium... Hanama Bay as othes have mentioned... the Dole Pineapple Plantaion is fun... used to be the largest maze in the world there... Waiamaia Falls and North Shore... rent scooters and cruise the city... even though it sound gross you gotta try Loco Moco for breakfast!!! it is freakin good!!! visit an ABC store... they are litterally on ever corner... Da Kine means every thing and nothing (some locals will use it thrice in one sentance)... dont be offended when called a Howlie... and last but not least... STAY AWAY FROM THE SPAM!!!


Active Member
i also did a midnight shark hunt... that was a freakin blast... and the submarine and dinner cruise was also worth the $$$...


Active Member
And ride in the submarine.
And Hanauma Bay, but get there early in the am.
Polynesian Culture Center on the North Shore and their Horizons night show.
The North Shore lava beds at Turtle Cove. Tons of crabs/fish in tidepools.
Drive the Likelike hwy through the rainforest.
Eat pineapple....unbelievable tasting pineapple.
Sunset dinner cruise.
Pearl Harbor.
Take TONS of pics.
Hope you have a great time!



If your driving around the Island, it's different here than on the mainland. You put your blinker on and someone will let you in, just wave thanks and return the favor. You may get cut off, and what seems like tailgating, but that's normal. If someone has there blinker on, let them in. As the saying goes "Drive with Aloha". You stay your staying 12 miles from the airport 100' from the beach, are you going to be on the east or west side of the island?