Hawaiian Dragon Moray


Active Member
I was just surfing around looking for a price on a Dragon. I cant believe the price for these things! I knew they would be expensive but $1,200.00! Come on! Realizing that they are very rare, I wouldnt pay more than $700. What do you guys think?


i don't really understand why they are so pricey....it's not like they are rare or something....but i heard they're worth every penny.....considering that they are extremely attractive and hardy. btw, there is one on sale at www.fishsupply.com it's only $799 now....which is almost 50% off....i think it is the cheapest dragon i've ever seen so far......hope this helps....


Active Member
I agree...it's a crazy price. But if I ever found one, I'd try to come up with the dough!!!! Those are the MOST amazing looking eels! Someday. . .


Active Member
Yeah pufferman, that is a cool looking eel. Thanks for the link. Im hoping to put it in my 55 until my 125 gets turned over. It will just be him and some choice tasty morsels!:nope:


I've seen one for $750. However, it sold as soon as the price dropped. The LFS would rather get that for it verses letting it get too big and no one wanting to buy it. That was the case here. It was orginally $1399. NUTZ!!! for any damn fish.!