Hawaiian Dragon Moray


New Member
also i posted this on his dragon moray monster fish thread and this is what he texted me. i still have all the texts to prove it
"ya but the problem right now is....he won't pick up my calls or respond to my texts. he told me that he had money for me....and nothing has happened. i shipped him the fish a month ago now and 2 weeks after he received the fish he still had not shipped the eel. he told me his dog was hit by a car and he didn't have enough money to ship the eel...then he told me unless he shipped on a monday or tuesday fedex would not guaruntee delivery. i even offered to pay for the eel to be overnighted. then he said he was going to ship her...didn't hear from him until that evening saying the eel died in his car because he was arrested and the police did not allow him to call someone to pick her up. my friends and i believe this is a scam story or some ridiculous fairy tale. point is...i want my fish back or a dragon moray. this whole situation sucks. andy is supposed to be a reputable individual who worked at an aquarium. what he has done so far is not very respectable."


sorry to hear that. I think you should take some serious action now. I cant beleive he hasnt sent your eel yet. You have already paid alot of money.
Hey AW2x3, Send him the EEL.


I never thought something like that would happen. I am so sorry.


New Member
just tried calling him for the 5th time this week. his cell is **********. he doesn't respond to texts or phone calls anymore. this is ridiculous. its not like he scammed me out of a cell phone or something....he stole my pets :(


New Member
also he told me the eel died since he was arrested and the police did not allow him to call someone to get the eel. the day i shipped him the fish he picture messaged me a bunch of the eel and my crosshatch laying together. andy seemed like a cool guy but when someone has three of your pets and doesn't return phone calls it makes one wonder. i have all the pic messages and texts saved. if someone lives close to him in IL maybe you can stop by and get my pets back :)


Well with over one thousand dollars in stolen goods, I believe you have a case but it is up to you to pursue that option.


Active Member
wow I really hope you get something back! seems like this guy has been around a while... maybe this was his set up from the very beginning... get people to trust him then rip the off and take there money and fish.
you NEED to call the police and have him arrested again if thats what actually happened....
only part I see as kinda funny... he was on his way with the eel, got arrested and the eel died. so the eel wouldnt have lasted too long in the mail them would it?? anyone else see that as funny?? even overnight shipping.. the eel died when he got arrested?


I hope this is some just a big misunderstanding in some way shape or form. That would be the worst thing I have read yet happening to a fellow hobiest. Maybe he did get arrested!!!!!!!! But he should be man enough to pay you for your fish at the very least. How far does he live from you? Have any friends that live near him?


New Member
he said he wasn't even put in a cell. he was arrested and held at the station until his parents brought the receipt saying he paid the traffic citation. i live in tampa florida. i shipped the fish from ocean direct in longwood florida. my friend greg and george own the shop. he shipped using his fedex account. he bagged all my fish and boxed them with me. i am going to contact ic3.gov and keep calling andy until i get my fish or compensation. i honestly don't even believe the eel died anymore.


Active Member
i say call Judge Mathis. HEHE. But on the serious note. You need to get with the admins on this site and you need to file a lawsuit against the guy. I mean go look at his thread in aggressive fish section labeled New Fish! and it shows your fish along with the eel. I mean why didnt he ship your eel the same day he got your fish or whichever ? I feel for ya for losing over 1000 dollars in pets


Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
i say call Judge Mathis. HEHE. But on the serious note. You need to get with the admins on this site and you need to file a lawsuit against the guy. I mean go look at his thread in aggressive fish section labeled New Fish! and it shows your fish along with the eel. I mean why didnt he ship your eel the same day he got your fish or whichever ? I feel for ya for losing over 1000 dollars in pets
Yea it shows all your stuff along with his eel. He mentions how he hadn't shipped the eel yet either.
It also doesn't make sense that the eel died when he got arressted. Eel wouldn't have done too well.


wow i feel for ya, just a note im not trying to ad my 2 cents, but on this one fourm for paintball they actually attach feedback to the about me section on a persons profile, maybe this fourm should start doing that, cause its hard to keep track of everybodys feedback. He prob never sold to other people and he decided to scam you, i know how you feel buddy, some guy scammed me on my 1000 paintball gun, however i know where the kid lives but tahts for another day ahhaha
Try all that you can to contact somebody, and get a hold of this guy, get the tracking number and contact the police in your town and get a hold of them in the supposed town he lived in. See where this guy accepted the package.


bro dont be nice about it, cause nice guys finish last with the law trust me i would know, press charges all the way, but make sure you do it quick cause the police will go, well if it was that important to you, then you would have came to us a lot quicker. IF you need some advice or help just pm, and i will see what i can do for you. One of my buddies is the cheif of police in my town and probably has good contacts.


Shame on him. these people make me sick. Send Him the EEL dude.


First of all I would like to remind everyone posting someone elses information on the board is not right and in some areas ILLEGAL and wont be permitted.
The next thing is that the accuser has only signed up to complain on AW2x3 threads we have no way of knowing what the transaction was or anything since for one it wasnt on this board apparently from what I can tell and secondly the complaining poster has no posts to go back on to see what type of poster they are.
I am not saying that this didnt happen though but before jumping to any conclusions aw2x3 should be allowed to show his side of the whole situation.
ianbehnk your posts have been deleted along with any posts after yours. there is a feedback forum for issues like this.
I would contact the police in the area that he lives. This is a fedral offence.
Also you may be able to sue in Small Claims Court. This does not require an attorney, and the filing costs are very low. Contact your local District Court for more information. You might be able to make him come to your court. And if he doesnt show you will win the case. Than you could put a lean on his house/car if he doesnt pay up. So when he goes to sell it he will not be able to, and the court might put out a bench warent out to.
It was stated that there was guarantee live arrival. I am sure that you have lots of pm saved, and took screen shots of them by now.


New Member
everyone. if you don't believe who i am. go to ******** i have helped them in the past answer questions on there website. Anthony Calfo, Robert Fenner, and Scott Fellman all know who I am. I signed up on this forum because people on ****** told me to. why on earth would i come here to complain if everything went well. obviously he has received my fish because he has posted pictures and information all on these boards. i have received absolutely nothing. you can ask andy yourself. MichaelTX i don't mean to be disrespectful to you are anyone on this board. I would just like either the eel from the trade, the fish back or money in return.