Hawaiian Green Shrimp


New Member
I have found conflicting info on these critters. Some say it is reef safe, others say it will eat other shrimp. I dont know what to think, I have a pistol shrimp right now, If i buy a green shrimp or two will they eat him?????


whats scientific name? havent heard about it before... Monkey shrimps are green, right? green shrimp can be monkey shrimp


mmm sounds delicious :p
ok i guess that Saron (Monkey) shrimp, dont have any experience but i heard they are not reef safe because they can eat small fish and corals. Also you wont be able to see this little shrimp too much because of its wonderful camuflage, do a search on swf of monkey or saron shrimp


Active Member
i doubt most shrimp will mess with a pistol shrimp. Im sur eyou have noticed the loud pop they give when anthing comes near their cave. If you have a goby with it the chance of it getting eatin are very very slim.