hawaiin dragon eel for sale


I really doubt your going to get a grand for that small of an eel.
i can get them for less then 100.00


you can get the hawaiin dragon eel for less than 100. i would like to know where.
not intrested in -- stuff sorry


I'm interested in the eel but the price is wayy too high for me....If you can git it for under a hundred FISHINMI, wanna make a quick hundred bucks??
I've seen 20 inch japanese dragon eels for 500$ here b4 evilss....good luck tho..


not to start anything fishinmi but you stated above that you could get a hawaiin dragon moray for less than $100.00. now your saying $800. how big is the $800 dollar eel? plus i could sell the eel for $800 plus shipping. if anyone is intrested. and i can send pics.


Active Member
Again, evilss can I get some pictures of your friends eel? Im not really interested in someone trying to promote their business on another businesses website.


I am not a business as stated before. I do fish out of the house and have people from the reef association come here. If you dont want to save money thats fine with me i could go as low as 450.00 on it but too late now. I have had a few email me for them.


New Member
I've kind of been watching this discussion/argument. I'd say when it comes to fish of any kind there are different qualities involved and each fish should be appraised on their own characteristics. Size, quality, age, color, eating habits.
I'd say put both fish out on the table and have at it.
I've sold fish and have run fish stores in the past. Fish are only worth what someone is willing to pay. I've seen fish sell for 100 and 1000 for the same thing. It just depends on what the buyer wants and if they feel they are getting value in the transaction.
I'd love to see pictures of this eel. It could be worth alot.