hawaiin dragon eel for sale


yea i know. thats what makes him so awesome. if i could aford to get him i would. but im helpin a friend out. plus i know that it will go to a good home here.


Active Member
my lord this looks like dejavue lol.I resently found a few places that sell both types of dragon eeels your looking at over a grand for either of them.the best way to find wheer to pruchase either spicies is go on search I found a few descent listings good luck .yeh hubby wants one too .


there a very expensive eel. people think my price of $800 is too high and that im stupid for asking that. they should just research it.


Active Member
well everytime this topic comes up i do more research I have yet to find either of them for less than a grand .the mexican dragon eel however goes for about 600.but it looks nothing like either of them.if you find them priced for less they are normally out of stock.and cmon do any of us realy need fish at all? we have fish because we want them.not because we need them.if you dont like someones price don't buy it.just remember if someone has something listed to good to be true.it usually isn't.I have ben watching alot of different posting on here so called good deals gone bad.


i have been on this board for a long time and i have never seen a hawaiin dragon eel of any size for sale for under 600. the japanese and mexican look nothing like the hawaiin. if you found a hawaiin on this site for 600 or less let me see the link. email it to me. matthew_shipp@earthlink.net
and y did you even post on here if your not intrested. dont waste my time or yours. my friend paid $900 for the eel when it was about half hte size it is now. and thats the cheapest he could find. so please email that link or post so that i can see.


well if you didnt want to buy it you shouldnt have posted anything. one of those eels are $700 and hte other $780. not $600 or less as you stated. they dont even have them in stock. like most fish stores dont. plus with the added shipping that online stores charge would put it close to my price. the $700 would be more like $760-$780. the $780 would be over $800 no matter what. these are a rare find. some of your reasearch should have shown that. this sale isnt gonna make me or break me. its not even my eel. i dont make any money off of this deal. im just translating what a friend told me too. im on this forum and he isnt. simple as that. if you would have read the whole post. plus no one ever said anything about a japanese dragon. no one wants one. and no one is selling one. it has nothing to do with the hawaiin. so please dont post if your not intrested. im not gonna down your post so please dont do mine.


Suffer not the fashionable Fools to depress your powers by the prices they pretend to give for contemptible works, or the expensive advertizing boasts that they make of such works


your ignorance is amusimg. like i said before i dont flame your post so please dotn continue to do mine.