hawiian blue puffer


Can I add a Hawiian blue puffer with clown fish, lawnmowerbleny and a manderin I also have a few shrimp and a couple of corals, I have a 80g


Active Member
That is a gamble, my niger trigger should have eaten my cb shrimp but has not in 8+ months.


Active Member
Sometimes those with those dwarf puffers you get lucky. But I wouldn't recomend it for your shrimp and corals sake.


I have a Valentini and a Fiji Spotted Puffer and they both leave our shrimp alone... they do, of course, attack the snails and hermits sometimes, but otherwise, shrimp are off limits.
The Valentini leaves our corals alone, but Blue, our Fiji, likes to munch on just about anything we put in the tank

We've thought about trading him in, but he's so cute